These Key Features are free
- User-friendly Interface
- Desktop based offline application, no internet required
- Daily auto backpack (Offline & online)
- Multiple roles, multiple users, changeable capabilities
- Highly secure username and password protected
- Allow to connect multiple computers with single database
- Students registration with full detail
- Students search by name, roll number, class, section, etc.
- Student’s Family detail
- Student image capture/upload
- Student figure print
- Student documents upload
- Guardians management
- Guardians relation
- Pick & drop persons verification with bio-metric
- Auto generated loud voice on successful bio-metric verification on closing time of school for picking people
- Bulk Students promotion from class to class or section to section
- ID card
- Result card
- Admission form
- School leaving certificate
- Class management
- Class levels
- Sections management
- Subjects management
- Days of week
- Periods
- Timetable
- Holidays
- Academic year
- Students bio-metric attendance (ZKTeco)
- Students manual attendance
- Staff bio-metric attendance (ZKTeco)
- Staff manual attendance
- Multiple exams
- Grade management
- Marks insertion by student based, subject based
- Upload marks in excel
- Download results in excel
- Date sheet management
- Result card
Student Assessment
- Assessment categories
- Assessment area
- Previous History
- Psychological assessment
- Follow up counseling sessions
- Educational assessment
- Staff registration
- Staff documents upload
- Staff figure print
- Staff search by name, by role, etc.
- Staff roles like (Teachers, Administration, Peon, Accountant, etc.)
- All Crystal Reports are printable and downloadable
- Multiple reports for students
- Multiple reports for Fee details
- Multiple reports of academic activities
- Multiple reports for exams, results, date sheets etc.
- Lot of reports for staff and users management
- Detailed and summary reports of expenses
Software Users
- Multiple users
- Multiple roles
- Capabilities of each role is controlled by administrator
- Expense top level categories
- Expense heads under each category
- Expense summary
- Expense details
- Logo change option
- Color change option
- Backup and restore option
- Label change option
- Navigation change option
- Remote database connection
- A4 size printable invoice
- Thermal printer receipts
- Barcode on fee vouchers
Premium Features
- Can create multiple allowances
- Allowance frequencies
- Advance/loan, installment management
- Penalties management
- Security
WhatsApp SMS
- Bulk messages
- WhatsApp SMS templates
- WhatsApp SMS status
- WhatsApp SMS on student registration
- WhatsApp SMS on fee assignment
- WhatsApp SMS on fee receiving
- WhatsApp SMS on special occasions
- WhatsApp Celebrity SMS
- Send Fee vouchers to WhatsApp
- Send Fee Receipt to WhatsApp
- Send result card to WhatsApp
Student’s fee
- Can create multiple fee heads i.e. (Tuition fee, transport fee, exam fee, etc.)
- Standard fee
- Discounted fee
- Monthly fee invoices
- Fee assignment
- Fee collection
- Fine on late fee
- Fine on late arrival
- Auto Arrears management
- Security
- Fee waive off
- Commitments
- Monthly, occasional and individual fee management
- Bulk fee update
Mobile SMS
- Branded/Bulk messages
- Android app for mobile messages
- SMS templates
- SMS status
- SMS on student registration
- SMS on fee assignment
- SMS on fee receiving
- SMS on special occasions
- Celebrity SMS