Institute management system
The Institute management system is more compatible with learning institutions. It is the backbone of institutions because it manages all their students and staff records in limited time. Every school and college wants to control records properly. It allows this and saves all transactions in reports with the date and record name.
Why need it?
The institute depends on a lot of factors. Many things combine to make it comprehensive. Students, teachers, and other staff all are part of schools. The best progress of students makes the school better. Institutions will need to maintain their fee and salary properly. All receiving and expense calculations are complicated and time consume. But for the institute management system, it is easy.
Fee management
Schools face many challenges in continuing day-to-day operations. Fee management is the most difficult because it involves an enormous number of transactions and is quite complex in calculation. The School fee collection module presents an automated, highly adaptable, and comprehensive solution. It manages all types of fees, for example, school, tuition, sibling, admission, registration and security fees, etc. Every fee has different charges, which you can manage.
Fee voucher/challan
Generate Fee Voucher/Challan with Fees Payable and Dues with one click. You also can create a fee challan for a single student or family.
Daily fee collection report
Generate the Daily fee collection report by date with a click.
Others fee reports
Generate fee receipts, fee transitions, fee details, and fee summary by date/challan with multiple filters.
Institute students attendance
SoftwareLinkers’ attendance management system manages your attendance on a single platform and makes it easy. With Biometric school attendance software, the attendance of students can be easily tracked. You can track students’ attendance via barcode, face scanner, biometric, and RFID card.
Institute Exam management system
Our School examination management system helps to manage students’ exams with authentic values, grades, percentages, and marks. Marks, grades, percentages, and positions are fundamental in the exam. These are easy to see, but their calculation is a delicate matter. There are opportunities for mistakes in paperwork, while the computer prepares all these calculations in one click without any error.
Institute staff management system
Our school management software allows operating your staff’s salary, loan, advance, penalties, and attendance on a single platform. It reduces your paperwork and protects your data. Managing school staff’s daily attendance records is time-consuming and difficult. However, our staff management feature can process the daily attendance automatically.
BenefitsInstitution management software
Tracking Student Progress
It is difficult for administrators to manage students attendance, exam/test, and fee records. The software easily tracks all their performance.
Reduced teachers Workload
The software can automate many processes of secondary importance and help teachers focus on their key activities.
Saves time
It saves management valuable time from administrative tasks. It automates time-consuming daily tasks, like creating timetables, Attendance management, sending messages to parents, etc.
Very beneficial in report making
All transactions are saved in reports. You can create multiple reports with different values like Fee, Attendance, and Exam. Various filters give you a lot of convenience in creating reports.