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500 Internal Server Error Solved In Wordpress On Godaddy Windows Hosting

500 internal server error Solved
HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers that provide Web browsers with information about the page’s status. You might see some of these errors while browsing the Internet, or you might have received them in your own hosting account.

Here’s a quick guide to help you understand the most common error codes with suggestions for what to do to fix the error:

400 — Bad Request
401 — Authentication Required
403 — Forbidden
404 — Not Found
500 — Internal Server Error
Enable detailed errors in your web.config file using the following code:

Add this code into the root directory file web.config.

500 internal server error Solved

500 internal server error
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Solved - 500 Internal Server Error In Wordpress On Godaddy - Softwarelinkers
For 500 Internal Server Error, Enable detailed errors in your web.config file using the following code, add code into your web.config file...+92-313-5419942
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Software linkers
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